New contributions in the gallery.

This website is made by and for collectors of plastic and metal figures scale 1:72. Also we try to bring this group of hidden hobbyists together, so a tight group of enthousiasts may develop and can support itself in their common hobby by means of this website.

On the website of you can, as a collector of miniature figures scale 1:72, find anything you are looking for: News about figures 1:72; contibutions of other collectors; tips of fellow collectors; published literature about figures scale 1:72 and all about uniforms etc; what are the collections of the past and present manufacturers of figures 1:72, how do the boxes look like and the sprews; which fairs are being held for figures 1:72 and the links to interesting websites.

Have a lot of fun visiting our website! When questions rise or you want to contribute in our gallery, please send us an e-mail.

